Share Your Sunshine
We live in a chaotic world; a world where we’re surrounded by horrors, tragedy, and sadness. Each week, I find myself wondering how did things get so bad? Then the following week something even worse happens that highlights the ugliness of the world. In times like these, it’s our responsibility to continue striving to make the world a more beautiful, loving, and happy place. Within every person exists a special gift that brings joy to other people. Maybe you’re great at telling jokes and breaking up tense situations. Perhaps you’re a logistical master and can help others see the way out of the toughest situations. Whatever your gift is, it’s…
Twenty-Seven Things Only Life Can Teach You
I spent the past few weeks considering how I wanted to address this year’s birthday post. I take pride in reflecting on where I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to be. I re-read last year’s birthday post and I remembered exactly where I was and how I felt when I wrote it. If you’d told me this time last year, all of the places I would go, all of the people I would meet, and all of the momentous moments that would happen, I would’ve never believed you. I considered writing about all of the special moments and occurrences in my 27th year, but the posts in this blog…